Tinplate manufactures and lacquering companies
Body blank gauge
The Quality By Vision’s Body Blank Gauge is a high accuracy, high repeatability gauge for measuring Body Blank length, width and angle (squareness). It can come as stand alone or with a powerful, yet user friendly Symphony software.
Enamel rater
The Quality by Vision new ENR-4000 Digital Enamel Rater tests the coverage of the coating inside food and beverage cans and ends. The ENR-4000 determines the lacquer permeability on all types of cans and ends such as, 3-piece cans, 2-piece cans, aerosol cans, can ends, side seams, bottle caps and even tubes.
STANNOMetal tin / CHOMetal Chrome coating analyser
Quality by Vision is the exclusive manufacturer of the Stannomatic method of measurering the Tin or Chrome thickness on tinplate or TFS. Its the first system that works on a windows TM operating system. Its very easy to use, simply place the sample, close the cell, fill it with electrolytic fluid and choose the correct program for the measurement. There is a pre set for either fast medium slow or a mix of these 3 so you can decide how accurate you want the measurement to be.